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Kansas City Royals vs. St. Louis Cardinals Tickets, Kauffman Stadium - 5/22/2015 in Kansas City, Missouri For Sale

Type: Tickets & Traveling, For Sale - Private.

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Kansas City Royals vs. St. Louis Cardinals
Kauffman Stadium
Kansas City, MO
Kansas City Royals vs. St. Louis Cardinals
Kauffman Stadium
5/22/xxxx 7:10:00 PM
Kansas City Royals vs. St. Louis Cardinals
Kauffman Stadium
5/22/xxxx 7:10:00 PM
Kansas City Royals vs. St. Louis Cardinals
Kauffman Stadium
5/23/xxxx 6:15:00 PM
Kansas City Royals vs. St. Louis Cardinals
Kauffman Stadium
5/23/xxxx 6:15:00 PM
Click here to choose your seats for Kansas City Royals vs. St. Louis Cardinals
Use discount code "backpage2" at checkout for 5% off these already cheap Kansas City Royals vs. St. Louis Cardinals tickets at Kauffman Stadium in Kansas City, MO. This promotional code is valid exclusively on the ConcertCurator online ticket marketplace.
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